We increased Datastream's conversions by 44% and helped them hire their dream Product Manager
Our team
Antoine Morin
Lead Designer,
Yurii Mizin
UX/UI designer,
Anna Marouni
Manotosh Saha
Front-end Developer,
3 months after the launch
Prospects who finished the flow and got a quote
Prospects who bought an insurance
Prospects who lost trust in DSI in the process
The problem with insurance companies
Choosing the right insurance tends to be an overwhelming experience due to the complexity of the legal jargon and the length of the forms that need to be filled. This negative experience is accentuated by an often-reported feeling of mistrust and information asymmetry.
DataStream is shifting the way customers interact with insurance
DataStream makes cyber insurance accessible to all businesses, regardless of company size and cyber threat awareness. Their goal is to help people to choose the right policy for themselves with confidence.
Gaining a deep understanding of customers’ needs and frustrations through User Research
Before jumping into the redesign we ran a series of user tests, which showed us exactly which parts of the flow frustrated people, where they got confused, and what kept them from converting. Here’s what we found:
Problems we solved for DataStream
The form was too loooong
Customers expected to quickly get a quote and didn’t understand why filling such an amount of personal data was necessary. We had to explain that information was needed for DataStream to provide an accurate price estimate and find a creative way to shorten the time spent by users to fill the questionnaire.
Saving time with instant autofill
When typing their company name, customers get many of the questions answered automatically thanks to a Google API.
Making the form look less time-consuming and reducing uncertainty
We divided the form in steps and added a progress bar, as well as some context for the tasks customers are required to perform.
Choosing a coverage amount ain’t easy
Seriously, what small business owner can estimate the damage that a cyber attack could cause to their business? We didn’t know either!
Increasing customers’ confidence in their decision
Apart from recommending a coverage amount, we explain the logic behind our suggestions.
Providing total transparency
For applicants that aren’t satisfied with the initial explanation, we added an entire screen explaining in depth how we estimate the coverage we recommend and showing what companies in the same industry have chosen.
Choosing the right carrier ain’t any easier
It can be hard to tell the difference between different carriers without a magnifying glass. When deciding on the best coverage, the devil is in the details.
Making it easy for customers to understand their options
By highlighting the main factors customers should take into consideration to choose a policy, we’re helping them save time and make the best decision. What is more, besides recommending the 3 best options, we’re showing why we don’t recommend other options.
Customer expectations Vs Coverage reality
Before signing the contract, customers didn’t have total clarity about what was covered, and what wasn’t.
Giving total peace of mind when signing the contract
By stating both what’s covered and what’s not, we’re providing full transparency on the limitations of the policies, bringing applicants accurate expectations of the coverage they purchased.
Scalable Design System for future growth
DataStream needed a solid Design System to scale design operations across channels in a consistent way. This allowed marketers, designers, engineers, and data analysts to collaborate and produce faster. In addition, we also reduced the cognitive load created when customers were switching from a mobile app experience to a desktop browser experience.
Hiring the perfect fit for DataStream
As their product was getting more complex, the team was seeking to bring on someone skilled in both product strategy and user research. The problem: profiles with both those skills are very rare and in high demand.
The perfect fit
With 7 years of experience in User Research and Product Management, and having worked for both small startups and tech companies such as IBM and Thales, Ben was the ideal candidate. Since May of 2022, Ben has been leading both quantitative and qualitative research at DataStream and using the insights to prioritize features and create a winning roadmap.
We are continually working with DataStream to make cyber insurance accessible to everyone
Other case studies
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